K PUURS LOGISTICS is a Belgian based company specialized in the handling and stocking of textile products, both YARN and FABRIC.
YARN packed in pallets and FABRIC packed in rolls, bales and pallets. The company started its operation end 2005.
K PUURS LOGISTICS has exclusive agreements with customs agents and all sorts of transport companies, allowing us to deliver a full range of logistic products to our different customers. The warehouse is under bonded regime, a 'D-type entrepôt': goods go IN with a transit document and VAT + import duty are only paid when thye leave.
The company is located in Puurs, Belgium, 35 km south from the port of Antwerp. It has immediate connection to A12 and N16, being those routes connected to all major Belgian - European highways.
Total surface of the warehouse is 14.000 sqm divided in different sections. There are 1.700 pallet locations in the rack area, 1.500 backs for roll stocking and about 5.000 sqm for bale stocking in bulk.
The warehouse has 8 hydraulic ramps with dock shelters allowing a safe and fast handling of the cargo. All machines are electrical to help keep a clean working environment. They are specifically adapted to the needs of the merchandise: forklifts, bale handlers, reach trucks.
The building is completely equipped with the most modern security features:
- sprinkler system
- alarm connected to surveillance center 24 h days
- heating systems avoiding temperature going lower than + 6°
- RF system